ISSN: 3048-5444
Journal of Geosciences Insights (ISSN: 3048-5444) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access publication dedicated to advancing both applied and theoretical research in the field of geosciences and geology. Covering a diverse array of topics, including geobiology, geomorphology, biogeochemistry, and more, we welcome submissions that explore the intricacies of our planet's geological processes.
The journal strictly follows a double-blind peer review policy for an unbiased review process while ensuring a responsible and ethical environment.
We accept original research articles, review papers, short communications, editorials, case reports,and letters to the editor.
Subject: Earth Sciences, Geological sciences
Frequency of publication: Quarterly
Language: English
Starting year: 2023
Format of publication: Online
Aims and Scope
Our scope comprises a wide range of topics within the field of geosciences, including but not limited to:
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