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Journal of Geosciences Insights


ISSN: 3048-5444

Biogeochemical cycles: How wildres aect soil and water quality 
Ikram Atabekov1, Yusup Sadikov2

Fault-fold-block structures of the Earth’s crust play a critical role in the formation of stress states and
in controlling seismic processes. These structures, along with the faults that border them, accumulate
stresses and are responsible for generating strong earthquakes. A detailed analysis of geological,
Geophysical and seismic data, combined with mathematical modeling, has allowed the identification
of fault structures and blocks of higher ranks. Investigating the stress state of such structures and the
Patterns of their interaction are allowed essential for predicting the sources of strong earthquakes. This
study examines the seism tectonics of similar structures in the Uzbek segment of the Western Tien
Shan microplate.

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