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Journal of Geosciences Insights


ISSN: 3048-5444

Original Article
Andesitic flow rheology of Mount Popa volcano, Myanmar
Kyi Khin1, Nang Sandi Lwin2, Aung Moe3 and Chit Min Thu4  
1Deep Tunnel Sewerage System-Phase 2, PUB, Singapore
2Department of Geology, Taunggyi University, Taunggyi, Myanmar
3Saarlandstr. 40, 67061 Ludwigshafen, Germany
4Yadanabon University, Mandalay, Myanmar
Author Info »


Mount Popa is a conspicuous dormant volcano, which lies on the volcanic island arc (NS-trending central volcanic line) through the Central Myanmar Basin tectonically. The rheology of lava flows is determined by the phenocryst distribution in the andesitic rocks of Mount Popa, Myanmar. Particularly, the andesitic rock units are differentiated as V1-flow andesite, Nagale-Legyingon plateau andesite, Popa plateau andesite, V3-flow andesite, and V4-flow andesite. The different flow units are megascopic ally very similar in color and texture to porphyritic andesite or augite andesite but different in grain size, and the amount of phenocryst. The phenocryst distribution is graphically correlated with the Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow to interpret the rheology of lava flow during the Pliocene-Holocene eruption of the Mount Popa volcano. A new method which is simplest and practiced to identify the porphyritic andesitic rocks or lava flows not only for the stratigraphy but also the rheology.


    1. Mount Popa
    2. Andesitic lava flow
    3. Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow
    4. Lava rheology

Author Info

Kyi Khin1, Nang Sandi Lwin2, Aung Moe3 and Chit Min Thu4

1Deep Tunnel Sewerage System-Phase 2, PUB, Singapore
2Department of Geology, Taunggyi University, Taunggyi, Myanmar
3Saarlandstr. 40, 67061 Ludwigshafen, Germany
4Yadanabon University, Mandalay, Myanmar

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