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Journal of Geosciences Insights


ISSN: 3048-5444

Original Article
Phengite composition and high- pressure metamorphism of the Rheinische Schiefergebirge in the Rhenohercynian belt: implication of phengite in S2-cleavage
Aung Moe1, Kyi Khin2   
1Department of geology, Yangon University, Yangon, Myanmar
2Department of Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, National Water Agency, PUB, Singapore

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The white K-micas as a phengite (Si3.2-3.5) grow an alignment parallel to S2-cleavage and high angles to the pre-existing structures, e.g., S1-cleavage and bedding (S0). To confirm phengite, the electron Microprobe analysis is carried out in three samples from dierent localities in the Lahn-Dill areas. The white K-micas are common in the Rheinische Schiefergebirge, the Rhenohercynian belt, known as an accretionary prism. In the world example of accretionary setting phengite micas are transformed at the high anchizone and epizone, which is dierent from syn-tectonic S1-cleavage and late-tectonic S2-cleavage of Variscan in the Rhenohercynian belt. Phengite geothermobarometry analysis shows the pressure in 4.5-6.5 kbars and the temperature in 300°C. The P-T path through lower greenschist to blueschist is manifested in this study. The S2-cleavage formed as an S1-cleavage kinking due to shear in the S1-cleavage, which is deduced from the S1-cleavage rotations: one anticlockwise due to the collision with London-Brabant Massif and one clockwise due to the dextral shear movement of the Rhenohercynian belt during the late Variscan orogeny.


    1. Rheinische schiefergebirge
    2. Rhenohercynian belt
    3. Phengite
    4. S2-cleavage
    5. Dextral shear
    6. Variscan

Author Info

Aung Moe1, Kyi Khin2

1Department of geology, Yangon University, Yangon, Myanmar
2Department of Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, National Water Agency, PUB, Singapore


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